Japanese Video Course lesson10: Whatit is called?
Describing what something is called with ~というもの: Intermediate Japanese lessons
〜という: called, named, that ~
Japanese Basic II - 46 - What's this fish called
Japanese Basic II 46 What's this fish called
Japanese I, Lesson 10 - What is it called? | Irasshai!
【実用日本語#17】 行き方を尋ねるときの日本語 #yuka老師的日本語教室
Learn Japanese with Pokemon Leaf Green Version play by a Japanese language teacher
JLPT N4 文法: ~という (~to iu) : 日本語で「呼ばれた/名前が付けられた」の言い方
Saying 'called' in Japanese
【Japanese Talk #6】私が転職した理由について話します
《Genki L20-6: NameというNoun; a thing called...》🇺🇸 英会話練習🇯🇵
[46A] "What's this fish called?"
というものだ - Something called, Something like - JLPT N2 Quick Grammar
Basic Japanese character called hiragana. The Japanese lesson for beginners Lesson 3
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