Word of the day - Rigorous
Rigorous | Rigorous Meaning | Pronunciation of Rigorous | Rigorous – English Word of the Day
Top 100 antonyms and synonyms####
#145 Adjective "Rigorous" | Synonyms | Antonyms | Mnemonic | Root | Example | WoD-145 | Ashwin Sir
rigorous - 11 adjectives which are synonym of rigorous (sentence examples)
rigorous - 7 adjectives having the meaning of rigorous (sentence examples)
Choose the correct antonym of the given word:Rigorous | CLASS 6 | SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS | ENGL...
Rigorous | Definition of rigorous
#Rigorous Vocabulary Words||Synonyms and Antonyms| Vocabulary Hindi Meanings||#short #youtubeshorts
what is the meaning of rigorous
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rigorous - 11 adjectives similar to rigorous (sentence examples)
Rigorous Usage, Pronounce, Meaning, Definition, Sentence Examples
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Glossary ( rigorous )
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