100m in 11.95 first time i ran under 12 seconds
What the average 100m looks like 13.3 100m
18.2 mph at eight years old 😳
12-Year-Old Sets National 100m Record At AAU!
10 year old beats 11 & 12 year olds in 100m dash
Meet The New Fastest Teenager In The World
Fast kids: 12 year old runs 100m with 14.08 PB
How to Run 100m as a World-Class Sprinter
Fastest 11 year old kid | boys 100m dash (2021 regular track meet)
I’m 14 and run 12.2 in the 100m
This 1 TINY thing can ruin your speed
This Mistake Can Kill Your Speed
When you are TOO FAST for your heat 🔥💪 #shorts
100m Dash: 10.90 Seconds (Unofficial Training PR)
10-Year-Old Breaks 100m Record!
How Much Faster Have We Gotten In 100 Years?
Usain Bolt - How To Win The 100m
What Happened To The Fastest Boys In History? (100m ages 7-19)
U14 Men 100m Final 2022 Australian Track & Field Championships
102-Year-Old is a Champion Sprinter