The real reasons the US refuses to go metric
Why didn't the USA ever adopt the Metric System? (Short Animated Documentary)
Does the UK really use the metric system? #shorts
How Do Brits Measure Things?
Why I will NEVER use the Metric System
4. Measuring Shapes the World
Evolution of Naming in European Culture: Part 7. The Measure of Measurement
Learn the Metric System in 5 minutes
Lew Explains The Existence Of Both Metric And Imperial Measurements
a defense of the imperial measurement system
Ask a German: How Do You Deal With Imperial Units? | Feli from Germany
Metric Vs. US Standards
The US Actually BEAT Europe to Metric - In One Specific Way
Before the Metric System
Beginner's Guide: How to Read a Metric Tape Measure Step-by-Step
metric vs. imperial
How to Measure Screws & Bolts - US & Metric Sizing | Fasteners 101
Jim Blythe explains the use of the system of metric measurement in the UK
How To Learn Celsius Temperatures in Seconds | Metric For 'Mericans! 🇺🇸
Imperial measurements, metric and EU bans