Fiction Book Genres - What Is Fantasy
What is Fantasy Fiction? | History and Conventions of the Genre
The two genres of high fantasy
High VS Low Fantasy | EXPLAINED
The Origins and Development of the Fantasy Genre
Fantasy Fiction Genre
Defining the Genre: Dark Fantasy
Genre Fantasy
Dark Music - Feejee Mermaid
Fantasy Genre
The Ultimate Guide to Fantasy Sub Genres
How Fantasy Reflects our World (Feat. Lindsay Ellis) | It's Lit
Elements of a Fantasy | Reading Genre Lesson
Fantasy Sub-Genres EXPLAINED!
The Bottled Imp - Episode 1 - What is the 'Fantasy Genre'?
Why Fantasy Matters | Elizabeth Chapin | TEDxCamarillo
George R.R. Martin on the Fantasy Genre
How J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Changed the Fantasy Genre
These 5 Fantasy Authors Are the Future of the Genre