Construct | Definition of construct
What is the meaning of the word CONSTRUCT?
CONSTRUCT definition, CONSTRUCT in a sentence, CONSTRUCT pronunciation, CONSTRUCT meaning
Construct Meaning
CONSTRUCT - Meaning and Pronunciation
Let's Learn English! Topic: Construction 👷🏾🔨🧰🚧 (Lesson Only)
Construct — CONSTRUCT definition
10th English Lecture 17 FBISE
Construct meaning with 5 examples
What does 'Construct' mean?
How to Pronounce CONSTRUCT, CONSTRUCT, CONSTRUCTION - American English Heteronym Pronunciation
Construct - Meaning | Pronunciation || Word Wor(l)d - Audio Video Dictionary
What's the meaning of "construct", How to pronounce construct?
Construct Meaning In English
Construct - Meaning and How To Pronounce
Understanding "Mental Construct": A Guide to Complex Concepts in English
Construct Meaning in English
what is the meaning of construct