Diotima’s Ladder: From Lust to Morality
5 quotes from ancient Greek philosopher Diotima
The Ladder of Love: Plato's Symposium
Diotima: Socrates' Teacher in the Symposium
Finding Your Other Half: Plato's Symposium
10 quotes from ancient Greek philosopher Diotima
Diotima Instructs Socrates on Love
"The path to knowledge is a journey of love and desire for wisdom." - Diotima of Mantinea
Conversation with Diotima - History of Women Philosophers and Scientists
Diotima, Plato's 'Symposium'.
Student Philosopher: Plato's Ladder of Love
Eros, Magic, and Immortality: The Myth of Diotima, Plato's Symposium
Plato, Symposium | Love as Mediator (Diotma's Speech) | Philosophy Core Concepts
Plato -- Symposium: Diotima Questions Socrates
Plato -- Symposium: The Speech of Diotima
Introduction. A little about Diotima & Drisana
Socrates and Diotima from Plato's Symposium
Philosophy Lecture Series, Video 24: Diotima's speech in Plato's 'Symposium'
Diotima's Teachings on Love | Plato's Symposium (Read by Owel Yin)
Conversation with Diotima Quartet