Origins of the Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia Divide | Tripartite Division of Oceania
What is Melanesia?
Genetic History of the Pacific Islands: Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia
Melanesia and Micronesia - World Geo for Teens!
Geography Now! MICRONESIA (Federated states)
What is Austronesian?
What is Micronesia?
Oceania, Melanesia/Micronesia - Rap the Map to learn the countries/capitals of Oceania SHORT VERSION
The Peopling of the Pacific | The Last Great Human Expansion
Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia – Unraveling the Mysteries of the South Pacific
The History & People of Oceania (Melanesians, Micronesians & Polynesians)
Who and What are the Creole Peoples and Languages?
Fijian-Polynesian languages Comparison (Numbers, Phrases, Colors & Body parts)
People of Oceania: Polynesia, Melanesia & Micronesia
What Is Austronesian Expansion?
Session 31: Measuring Success: What should we measure and how? Example from Melanesia and Micronesia
The Polynesian Languages
What you should know about Pacific Islanders
Polynesian Origins: DNA, Migrations and History