Fuel price hikes in South Africa in 2017
The price of 95 will go up by 18c a litre, while 93 will be 4c cheaper
Fuel Prices | Petrol Price to drop again
LATEST petrol and diesel price hike | NEWS IN A MINUTE
Energy department considering a proposal to stop setting the retail price of 93-Octane petrol
Fuel price hike hits motorists
Petrol price to drop at midnight
The AA predicts that the prices of fuel will massively increase
Cost of Living | Hefty fuel price hike for motorists
Fuel prices go down as from Wednesday
Diesel, 93 octane increase likely
Petrol price to drop
Fuel Price | 93,95 octane drops by R1.32
The shortage High octane fuel in Gauteng: Reggie Sibiya
Motorists cheering the first petrol price decrease in months: Robert Maake
Petrol stations filling up ahead of midnight fuel price increase
High octane fuel could be running dry
Another steep fuel price increase
Another fuel increase
The petrol price is expected to increase in December