Different Saddle Pads and their Benefits
Proper Saddle Pad Fit
What is the difference between a saddle pad and a saddle cloth?
PRS Saddles Pads: How They Work and Choosing Foam vs Neoprene
Does saddle pad selection matter?
Which Saddle Pads I Use and Why
Types of Saddle Pads
What type of Saddle Pad should I use on my Horse
Do's and Don'ts of Saddle Pads - courtesy of SaddleFit4Life®
The advantages of using Mattes saddle pads
How to Choose a Saddle Pad with Ken McNabb
Saddle Pad Fitting - 1" Wool Saddle Pad & Navajo Blanket
Saddle Pad Fitting - Fleece Saddle Pad
How to Use Saddle Pads for a Western Saddle
Data debunks popular saddle pad sales pitch
How to Properly Place a Saddle Pad
Improving Your Saddle Fit With a Saddle Pad
Tack Talk | The Best Saddle Pads Under $350
Rawhide Saddle Company: How and when to use a shim pad
EQ Two-Part Saddle Pads (The Science Behind The Saddle)