MIDI In, Out, and Thru | What's the Difference? – Daniel Fisher
MIDI Out vs. MIDI Thru & how this little box can help you / MIDI Solutions Quadra Thru
MIDI without USB – classic MIDI connections explained
What Is MIDI? How It Works and Why It's Useful
The dangers of MIDI FeedBack - THRU and Local control
RS013 Tech Support: MIDI Thru like a Boss
The ABSOLUTE Beginner's Guide to Pedalboard MIDI
USB & MIDI: Everything you need to know to get it right (USB MIDI Host vs Interface explained)
THIS Budget Synth is an Ambient Beast!
How to Sync your Synthesizer Setup using MIDI
Complex MIDI Routing - How to connect everything in your studio
Setting Up a MIDI Pedalboard - MIDI Connections Explained
MIDI Masterclass - The Dark Art of MIDI Routing Explained !
Kenton Midi Thru-25 box review and tips
Building a MIDI Thru Box from Scratch
Kenton Midi Thru 5 review in English
MIDI Masterclass - WHAT is SOFT Midi Thru, HOW does it work and DOES your SYNTH have it?
The Basics of MIDI: MIDI Hookup (Part 4 of 10)
MIDI Thru Gizmo - Build and Operation Guide