What Does a Stage Manager Do?
Working in Theatre: Stage Manager
Music & Video Production : What Does a Stage Manager Do?
Stage Management Roles on a Show
What’s Your Job? Stage Manager for Mariah Carey | Full Sail University
Animal Farm: What is a Stage Manager?
Theater Production Manager: Difference Between Production Manager and Stage Manager -Linda Cooper
Opera Jobs: The Stage Manager ǀ English National Opera
Student Perspectives: “You are a stage manager, and that *is* an artist.”
Becky Barber explains the role of a theatre producer
The Roles in a Show (Who's Who)
Opera Jobs: The Stage Manager
What is a Stage & Production Manager? - Performing Arts Theatre Advice & Quick Tips
60 Film Production Roles & What They Each Do - Actor's Guide
"Conversation With a Stage Manager" - a short documentary
What is a Stage Manager v2.0
Stage Manager Interview Tips to GET MORE JOBS! | The (Almost) Complete Guide to Stage Management #27
Roles in A Stage Production
UNL - Fred Drenkow -- Stage Manager, Silence