Spanish word for sick is enfermo
Spanish word for first aid is los primeros auxilios
Spanish word for doctor is el médico
Spanish word for stomach is el estómago
Spanish word for hospital is el hospital
Spanish Word Of The Day: Paciente
The Spanish word for doctor is el doctor
Chiropractic Spanish Word of the Day: Aseguranza
Spanish Word of the Day | Estómago
Teaching the longest Spanish word “Parangaricutirimicuaro” to a baby. #foryou #memes #funny #viral
Spanish word for knee is la rodilla
The Spanish Word of the day: Cómo - Improve your Spanish vocabulary
Spanish Medical Terminology - Medical Vocabulary Roots and Word Fragments | Video 1
Spanish word for humid is húmedo
English could definitely use this Spanish word!
🇪🇸 Spanish Word of the Day: GENTILEZA = gentleness, kindness #language #spanish
Spanish word for throat is la garganta
Medical Terminology for Spanish Healthcare Interpreters – Roots and Word Fragments Video 6
Spanish word for ambulance is la ambulancia