unkempt - 5 adjectives which are synonym of unkempt (sentence examples)
🔵 Unkempt Meaning - Unkempt Examples - Unkempt in a Sentence - C2 Vocabulary - Unkempt
How to Pronounce unkempt with Meaning, Phonetic, Synonyms and Sentence Examples
Unkempt Meaning
What does unkempt mean?
What is the Meaning of Unkempt | Unkempt Meaning with Example
Vocabulary Video: Unkempt
How to Pronounce unkemptness with Meaning, Phonetic, Synonyms and Sentence Examples
English Advanced Vocabulary | Unkempt
Word of the Day - Unkempt | Magnet Brains Spoken English Course | Meaning of Unkempt | 2024-25
English Vocabulary: Synonyms
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unkempt - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
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7 Daily use Smart English words with Meaning | Synonyms | Improve your Vocabulary | Word Power Vocab
“Unkempt/اُلجھی ہوئی” #vocabulary #learnenglish #englishlanguage #english
How to Pronounce unkempt - American English
slovenly - 7 adjectives which are synonyms to slovenly (sentence examples)
Synonyms: Cantankerous, Cranky, Feisty.