PONER (to Put, to Place) present forms: pongo, pones, pone, ponemos, ponen...
Hacer, Poner, Oir, Salir etc.
¿Cuáles son los Dependientes que Puede Poner en su Declaración? | Tax Tips #12
PONER (to put, to place) preterite forms: puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusieron...
Spanish Grammar Subjunctive | 7 examples with the verb "Poner"
future: irregulars- venir, decir, salir, hacer, tener, poner, poder, valer...
GCSE Spanish - How to conjugate PONER (to put) in the future tense in Spanish
GCSE Spanish - How to conjugate PONER (to put) in Spanish in the present tense
traer, poner, hacer
Present Tense of Dar and Poner
present perfect: decir, hacer, poner.
Understanding Poner: Grammar and Practical Examples / Real-Life Examples
El Verbo Poner/Ponerse and their uses and different meanings
Uses of the verb "poner" - A1/A2 - Spoken language (9)
future: poner and tener- pondré, pondrás, tendrá, tendremos, tendrán...
Learn How To Conjugate The Spanish Verb Poner | Learn Spanish
GO verbs traer, hacer, poner
Yo-go verbs (traer, poner, salir, etc.) Spanish for Life- Profe Vinces
The verb PONER: A tricky Spanish verb with many meanings
Past Tense Verbs Pt.3 (Poder, Poner & Saber) | The Language Tutor Podcast (Ep. 46)