Japanese, Korean or Chinese: Which One to Choose? - BigBong
Japanese, Korean, and Chinese: Which one should you study? - Multilingual's opinion (East Asian)
韓国語、日本語、あるいは両方を学ぶべきですか? | 한국어 vs 日本語
Should You Learn Japanese and Korean?
Is Japanese Hard To Learn?
Chinese vs Japanese: Which is More Difficult to learn? | Learn Languages
Is Korean Hard to Learn?
Japanese vs. Chinese vs. Korean: Which is Hardest?
Which is the Hardest language to learn: Japanese, Chinese or Korean?
Japanese vs Korean vs Chinese: Which one is the hardest to learn?
Which is Harder? Japanese or Chinese? Comparative Analysis
Watch this before studying Japanese / 日本語を学び始める前に知っておきたい事
中国語、韓国語、日本語の言語比較 |どれが一番難しいですか??
韓国語、日本語、中国語 - 評価済み。どれが一番難しいですか?! (そしてどれを勉強すべきか...) | 2021年
Most Difficult Languages in the World
The best way to learn Japanese
Chinese, Japanese, or Korean: Which Is the Most Difficult Language?
Korean vs Japanese vs Chinese Languages! Can They Understand Each Other?!