Early voting breaks records: What it means for the 2024 election
Let’s break some early voting records, Detroit.
Triangle early voting wait times hit 3 hours in spots
When are early voting ballots counted? |2 Wants to Know
Early voting in Texas is over. Here's the latest updates before Election Day
Breaking down early voting numbers in Texas
Early voting begins in MN: What you need to know
Georgia shatters early voting records
Record-breaking early voting reported in Oklahoma, but voters are frustrated
Early voting closes as 2024 election nears
Last day for early voting in Ohio: What you need to know
Record-breaking turnout for first day of early voting in Georgia
Early Voting Turnout: More Than 26 Million Already Cast Ballots | TODAY
Early Voting 101: What you need to know
‘Record-breaking’ turnout expected as early voting begins in Kentucky
Early voting in Florida comes to a close with record-breaking numbers
Central Florida counties wrap up early voting with record turnout
How Is Early Voting Working Out Across The U.S.? | TODAY
Path to 270: Early voting surge looking ‘scary’ for Democrats
Early voting in Maine begins tomorrow. Here's how you do it.