There's just a few hours left until polling stations close - and the counting begins.
Welcome to Your Vote - How to Vote at the Polling Place in Scotland
Can You Trust Election Polling Data? - TLDR News
UK Votes: Final hours of polling in General Election
How do UK elections work? | CNBC Explains
WION Dispatch: Polling underway in UK general elections
EU referendum: Polling stations in UK close, counting starts
Welcome to Your Vote - Voting in Person at the Polling Station - England
What If the Electoral College is Tied?
Why the UK Election Results are the Worst in History.
Nigel Farage CAN'T BE STOPPED in New Reform Polling Results! - Labour & Tories SHAKEN!
WRAP Polling stations open, Voxpops , headlines ADDS Cameron voting
“This Is Starmer’s First And LAST Xmas In Number 10” | Poll Shows Labour’s Decline In Popularity
Voters arrive at polling station in London
Elections: what to expect at your polling station
The Trouble with the Electoral College
POLLING STATION LIVE – The Local Elections
Polling underway in UK General elections
The Three Reasons Starmer Beat Sunak in the Polls
UK Election 2019: Polling stations open across UK