Blood supply of the skin
Blood circulation to the skin: How it warms you up and cools you down.
Skin anatomy and physiology
Integumentary System
Skin 6, Blood supply to the skin
The Skin and Other Organ Systems: Skeletal, Nervous, Endocrine, Cardiovascular + More!
Not All Muscle Tissue Is the Same...
What’s the Largest Organ in your Body?! | The skin (Integumentary System)
Thermoregulation in the circulatory system | Circulatory system physiology | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy
Chapter 6 - Integumentary System
Osteon, 3 types of muscle, Skin model, Blood Cells for Lab Dr. Lindner
Blood Vessels Part2
DERMATOPATHOLOGY: Vasculitis, Vasculopathy & More
Tissue Types | Case Study
Integumentary System Lecture #2
Blood Vessels Part1
Integumentary System I epidermis dermis subcutaneous
Ch. 5 (Integumentary System)
03-Chapter 5 The Integument 9.05.16
Ch. 5 (Integumentary)