哺乳類の進化 (すべての哺乳類の家族の説明)
Highway Of Life: The Ancestors Of All Mammals
Human Origins 101 | National Geographic
Evolution of mammals
Chinese Fossils Reveal the Evolution of Mammals | SLICE SCIENCE | FULL DOCUMENTARY
What Happened Before History? Human Origins
The rise and reign of the mammals - with Steve Brusatte
Tiktaalik's First Steps - David Attenborough's Rise of the Animals: Triumph of the Vertebrates - BBC
Beasts Before Us: The Untold Story of Mammal Evolution
There was NO first human
New Prehistory : Dawn of mammals | SLICE EXPERTS
Dawn of the Age of Mammals
How we found out evolution is true: John van Wyhe at TEDxNTU
Forebearers of Mammals Were Nocturnal Partiers
Evolution of Live birth (Why do mammal not lay eggs?)