When should you take your child to the emergency room, urgent care, or the pediatrician’s office?
Dr. Vanessa Guerra discusses when a fever warrants an emergency room visit
When Should I Bring My Child Into The ER With A Fever with Marte Baro, MD & William Lennarz, MD
When to go to urgent care - Akron Children's video
When to take a child to the ER for a fever
When to Take Your Child to the ER vs Urgent Care
Flu Season: When To Go Doctor, Urgent Care Or ER
Mayo Clinic Minute: When to take your child to the emergency department
What to know about the new at-home flu test
A pediatrician gives parents advice on when to bring your child to the ER
Urgent Care Fast Facts: Urgent Care & Children
KidMed Urgent Care: Dr. Mark Flanzenbaum talks about fever management for kids
Fighting a Fever In Children: Do's And Don'ts
Baby has a fever
When do you go to the emergency room for a fever?
Where to take your Child ER vs Urgent Care
Fevers and when to call a pediatrician?
Fever in Kids: When to Call the Doctor
Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room | When to Go
Nationwide Children's Urgent Care :30