The History of IBM: the Personal Computer to Watson
IBM "invented" the PC. Then everyone stole it
Introducing the IBM Personal Computer - 1983 Promotional Video
The Rise and Fall of the IBM PC Part 1: Origins
This Day In History: August 12 - IBM Personal Computer Released (1981) VINTAGE COMMERCIAL
The IBM PC 5150 - the world's most influential computer
Why IBM GAVE UP on Making PCs
History of Computers | From 1930 to Present
Reacting to: IBM "invented" the PC. Then everyone stole it
A Personal History of the IBM PC: Video extra
1995 IBM PC Series 720: Looking inside a (nearly) unused 20-year-old 486 PC!
IBM PC in 10 Chap 1 Introduction and Overview
The Evolution of Computers: From IBM PC to the World Wide Web
History of Personal Computers - 70's to 80's and the IBM PC
What happened to IBM - PCs
The IBM PC 5150 and XT - How IBM "Won" the Computer Wars of the 1980's - Kim Justice
IBM PC Announcement - Software Arts Staff Meeting, August 12, 1981
IBM PC Retrospective: Intro from Computer EIC Ron Vetter
Episode 51 - The IBM PC
The IBM PCjr, Part 1: The road to hell is paved with good intentions