The Rectangle Tool Indesign for beginners
How to Make a Rectangle in InDesign
InDesign shape tools
How to use the Rectangle Tool in Adobe™ Indesign™
How To Draw Shapes Adobe InDesign Tutorial
How to Create Custom Frame Shapes in Adobe InDesign | Cadillac Cartoonz
How To Cut a Shape in Adobe InDesign
Adobe InDesign - Basic Shape Tools
Rectangle Ellipse and Polygon Frame Tools - Adobe InDesign
How to Create Shapes & Frames | InDesign Tutorial
Indesign: Rectangle and Frame tool
Rectangle frame options in InDesign
How to place an image inside MULTIPLE shapes - Adobe InDesign
Adobe InDesign - Pencil Tool
Master InDesign tools and their uses in just 10 minutes
Making Rounded Rectangles in InDesign
Give your InDesign frames rounded corners
How to reshape a shape in InDesign
How to Create an Arch Shape in Adobe InDesign using simple Circle and Rectangle Shapes
Learn Adobe InDesign in 11 MINUTES! | Formatting, Tools, Layout, Text Etc. | 2023 Beginner Basics