How did South African Apartheid happen, and how did it finally end? - Thula Simpson
Hendrik Verwoerd Defines Apartheid
What is Apartheid? - Nelson Mandela, and South Africa's history explained
How South Africa Became an Apartheid State - Cold War DOCUMENTARY
Apartheid: The rise and fall of South Africa's 'apartness' laws
Apartheid in South Africa - Documentary on Racism | Interviews with Black & Afrikaner Leaders | 1957
Who started apartheid in South Africa?
Digital Apartheid and Repression in Mozambique: A Call for Global Accountability and Solidarity
Who started apartheid in South Africa #APARTHIED
Indian South Africans: The role they played during apartheid
The colonisation of South Africa
South Africa's Post Apartheid Generation
Apartheid Explained | Nelson Mandela’s Battle
Nelson Mandela & Apartheid in South Africa Documentary
South Africa's last white president issues posthumous apology for pain of apartheid
Do you believe South Africans were better off during apartheid?
Why South Africa is still so segregated
South Africa is still under apartheid | AJ+
Resistance to Apartheid in south Africa