Drug Trafficker Says Mexican Cartels Are WAY Stronger Than Colombians | The Connect
Mexican Drug Cartels DOMINATING The Colombians? | The Connect
Who are the Mexican drug cartels?
Inside Mexico's Most Powerful Drug Cartel | Foreign Correspondent
Drug cartels will be ‘more powerful than the Mexican state itself' in three years: Sen. J.D. Vance
Mexico’s latest cartel war, explained
Why did Mexico and Colombia become drug trafficking centers?
The Rise of the Cali Drug Cartel | Narco Wars
Top 10 Drug Cartels That Are Still Active
How Mexican Cartels Became Worth Over $500 Billion
Why are the cartels moving back to Colombia?
Why the US Military Isn't Intervening in Mexico Against the Cartels
Mexican Cartels Are Worse Than You Think
What does a cartel hitman do?
‘Bloodthirsty’ cartels move back to Colombia from Mexico | Elizabeth Vargas Reports
MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS | The COMPLETE History of the DEA's TOP 5 Most Influential Drug Cartels
The Sinaloa Cartel has a army of 100,000 soliders
DEA vs. Mexican Cartels & Louisville Gangs: Unmasking the Connection
The Fragile Empires Of The Worlds Most Infamous Drug Lords | Our History
How Ruthless Mexican Drug Cartels Evolved