Supernatural 4x01 - 06 Castiel, The Angel HD
Supernatural Dean Meets his first angel (Castiel)
Every Type of Angel in Supernatural
Angel blade first appearance (Supernatural 4x16 "On the Head of a Pin")
Superrnatural-Dean and Sam-S4E7-Sam meets Angel Castiel
First, Angel Feathers Appear. Then This Happens…
The Angel of Mons | A Supernatural World War One Story
Things I've Seen in the Spirit and How You can See them too!
Castiel finds out a nephilim has been created via angel radio
Jack VS God | Jack Absorbs God's Powers & Becomes The New God! Supernatural 15x19 Ending Explained
Supernatural 4.10 Anna explains she is a fallen
Sam and Dean Winchester's First Angel Kill
Supernatural-first show of the angel
Angel's Wings and Glow | Supernatural (seasons 4-10)
The Ministry & Purpose of Angels | Judith MacNutt | Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!
Supernatural 4x01 Castiel, The Angel first appearance
The Simplified Supernatural Timeline Part 1 (Seasons 1-5) | Cinematica
Supernatural 4x16 - 02 Angel vs Angel, Castiel vs Uriel HD
Dean & Sam - "Where Do My Kind Go?" S6E7
The Many faces of Castiel, The Angel of Thursday