The Powers of the Istari (Wizards) | Tolkien Explained
Why did Saruman team up with Mordor? #lotr_qa
Who Is The White Cloaked Cult In The Rings Of Power? True Identity Revealed !
The Life of Tom Bombadil | Tolkien Explained
GANDALF The Grey and Gandalf The White | What Is The Difference? | Middle-Earth Lore
The Full Story of SARUMAN! | Middle-Earth Lore
Theory: The Stranger is a Blue Wizard, not Gandalf | The Rings of Power
Morgoth and Sauron - What was the difference?
Who is the Mouth of Sauron in Lord of the Rings | Mythology of Middle-Earth #shorts
Galadriel’s Entire Backstory Explained
The Complete Travels of Saruman | Tolkien Explained
Manwë, King of the Valar | Tolkien Explained
The Wizard Who Called Out Saruman. A Middle-earth Film
Orc argues with Saruman
Who are Tolkien's Wizards? The Lore of the Istari from Lord of the Rings - LotR Lore
The History of Rhûn | Tolkien Explained
90's LORD OF THE RINGS - Teaser Trailer | Mel Gibson, Sean Connery | Retro AI Concept
Gandalf's First Mission (as Olórin) | Tolkien Explained
Nienna, Lady of Pity | Tolkien Explained
The Deaths of Balin and Ori #shorts