Unsaturated vs Saturated vs Trans Fats, Animation
Why Are Trans Fats Bad? Very Bad! - Dr Ekberg
What Your Doctor Won't tell you about Saturated Fat ?
Why Are Trans Fats So Bad? | 30 STK | NBC News
What are trans fats?
What Are Trans Fats & Why Are They Bad?
Trans Fats, Not Saturated Fats, Bad for Health
The Truth About Fats and Nutrition
The REAL Killers - Trans Fats
What to Know About Avoiding Trans Fats
The Truth About Trans Fats: Good Fat vs. Bad Fat- Thomas DeLauer
Trans fats: How worried should you be?
Do high saturated fat diets lead to heart disease? | Peter Attia and Don Layman
Is fat bad for you? Why saturated fats are misunderstood.
Talking trans fats, part 1
Polyunsaturated vs Monounsaturated vs Saturated: What's the Real Difference? | Simon Hill
Are All Fats Bad For You?
Cardiologist: Don't demonize saturated fat
Are FATS BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)