Budget Deficits (Deficit Spending) and Surpluses Defined, Explained & Compared in One Minute
Understanding the National Debt and Budget Deficit
A Government Surplus Hurts Us
Federal Spending, Debt, and Deficits
Surplus v Deficit
CA has nearly $100B budget surplus
Budget surplus: What Fiscal Monitor does and doesn't say
Budget Surplus - Behind the News
Deficits & Debts: Crash Course Economics #9
Y1 33) Rising Budget Deficits and National Debt - Pros, Cons and Evaluation
Is the US Trade Deficit a Problem?
Budget Surplus
Why US Economy Will Collapse...Elon Musk...Something's got to give! (2022) #shorts
Budget Deficit or Surplus & National Debt
The Long view on the budget surplus
Y1 34) Contractionary Fiscal Policy (Deficit & Debt Reduction) Pros, Cons & Eval
Economists warn the govt's budget surplus has been wiped out by recent crises
PAY IT BACKWARDS: The Federal Budget Surplus with Milton Friedman
Should the U.S. Government Balance Its Budget?
Budget deficit 'not necessarily a bad thing'