If you hate school, this might help
Hate School? Watch This
Comparison: Why Students Hate School
What you hate about school says about you!
Why Kids Hate School
Why I Hate School
Probability Comparison: Why Students Hate School
why you hate learning
Suli Breaks - Why I Hate School But Love Education [Official Spoken Word Video]
What to do when you hate the degree you're getting?
Why Truly Sociable People Hate Parties
Things We All Hate About School...
Why Students Hate School From Different Countries
6 Behaviors That Make People Dislike You
6 Habits that Can Make People Dislike You
Why We Hate Math: Three Reasons | Carr (Yijin) Li | TEDxTheMastersSchool
7 Signs You Hate Yourself
7 Reasons Why You Hate People
'They're teaching children to hate America': the culture war dividing US schools