Canada's fertility rate has plummeted. What are the risks?
What declining birth rates mean for the world | BBC News
Canada in Decline… Birth Rate
What’s at stake with Canada’s low birth rate? | The Current
Are Canadians worried about collapsing birth rates?
Canada’s fertility rate hit all-time low in 2022, data shows
Canada’s Birth Rate is Collapsing
Why is the media celebrating lower birth rates in Canada?
Why more Canadians are choosing to have fewer kids | Fertility rate in Canada
What Does Canada's Low Fertility Rate Mean?
Vancouver Island has the 'lowest' fertility rates in the nation
Why aren’t people having as many kids? It’s complicated
Canada Birth Rate PLUMMETS to Hell: Why aren't ppl having babies?!
Why Canada Can't Solve Its Population Problem with Immigration
Birth rates are declining. Should we be worried? | Front Burner
Why Migration Can't Solve The Birth Rate Crisis
Impact inflation, living costs have on birth rates and Canadians on parental leave
Canada's fertility rate is at an all-time low. What should we do about it? | The Big Story
America's shrinking population: Economic impact of falling U.S. birth rate
Is the Cost of Living a Factor in Canada's Birth Rate Decline?