Why paternity leave benefits everyone | The Way We Work, a TED series
How equal parental leave can help close the gender pay gap | Lauren Smith Brody | Big Think
Why the US Needs Paid Parental Leave | Anna Steffeney | TEDxSanJuanIsland
Why It Costs More To Deny Parental Leave
Parental Leave and Gender Equity | Q+A
Why there’s concern few dads will take up the new paid parental leave offer | 9Honey
Paternity Leave in Modern Society | Johan Bävman | TEDxKingsCollegeLondon
Parental leave/Benefits for Husband/Partner in Canada | Step by step guide
Bridging the Gender Gap: The Problems with Parental Leave | Learn Liberty
Best parental leave policies around the world | theSkimm
Should New Dads Take Paternity Leave? | Dad University
Is Parental Leave Costly for Parents and Co-Workers?
It’s All in the Family: How does paternity leave impact the life of a child?
Companies offering more parental leave
How a CNN journalist fought for better paid paternity leave — and won
Paid Leave In The US vs. The World - Cheddar Explains
How Paid Leave Benefits Everyone
Novartis introduces global equal parental leave
Anne Manne; Will paid parental leave make things equal?
Ms. Worldwide: America's Paid Parental Leave VS. The Rest of the World