The Most Famous Elevated Metro System | Chicago L
CHICAGO L TRAIN GUIDE From a Local | 15 Tips on How to Ride the CTA Chicago Travel Guide
Why Is The L In Colors?
The Missing Link in Chicago Transit
Why Chicago still hasn't fixed the Loop
What's Left of Chicago's Lost "L" Stations?
Chicago's FORGOTTEN "L" Lines- The History of Chicago Elevated Trains - IT'S HISTORY
How to use Public Transportation in Chicago | CTA - L Train & Buses
CTA issues reminding riders to stay off ‘L' tracks
A (Very) Brief History of Chicago Transit Authority
The Brains Behind the CTA’s Twitter Account — Chicago by 'L' with Geoffrey Baer
Can I Name ALL Chicago "L" Stations? CTA Metro Quiz
Why Chicago's Trains Are Elevated
Chicago by 'L' with Geoffrey Baer
The Chicago L's Unusual Feature
History of the Blue Line in 3 Minutes
Vince Meets The People Who Ride The 'L"
Why Are CTA's Train Lines Color-Coded?
Secrets of the Chicago L Part 2
The L. Chicago Public Transit