Why is it 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT?
GMT लिखने का क्या कारण है?||GMT क्या होता है?||#khansir#khangs#khansirpatna#GMT
Earth Science - Understanding Time Zones
Explained | Indian Standard Time (IST) क्या है, जिससे पूरे देश का टाइम तय होता है | GMT
Why is it 5.30 pm in India and 12.00 noon in London?
World Map: GMT, Time Zones & Indian Standard Time (हिंदी में) | Concept & Numericals
Time Zone in Hindi | GMT time zone | time zones.gmt time zone geography.GMT
Timezones explained in Telugu || Indian Standard Time || GMT || By Papineni Sairam
What Time is it ? Time Zones Explained 🕐 #timezone
How do I calculate GMT time?
Indian standard time ( IST)
Class 6 Geography Chapter 2 | Why do we have Standard Time?
Why is it 5.30 PM in India and 12.00 noon in London in short?
Why do we have different time zones? | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children
What is UTC? All about Coordinated Universal time or CUT| GMT( Greenwich Mean Time)| Zulu Time
how to calculate time: geography| latitudes and longitudes | prime meridian| ICSE | CBSE| time zone