Canadian Pacific Railway
The Canadian Pacific Railway - An Important Event in Canadian History
The History of the Canadian Pacific Railway
Canada Confederation confusion: Where did it all begin?
How did the railway contribute to expansion and unity in Canada?
Confederation: A Summary
The Intercolonial Railway
History Bits: Canadian Pacific Railway Co.
Internal Factors/Canadian Confederation
A Canadian Railroad Snapshot
The Rise, Decline, Rebirth and Influence of Trains in Canada - History Video
The history of Canada explained in 10 minutes
Events Leading Up To Canada's Confederation
The Legacy of Sir John A. Macdonald and the Building of the Canadian Pacific Railway #facts #history
Canadian Pacific Railway & the National Dream (audio recording)
Terry Gainer: Understanding the Importance and the History of Canada's Railway Network
Canadian Pacific Railroad Swift Current History
Brown Bag History - Revelstoke Is A Railway Town