consider - 6 verbs synonym to consider (sentence examples)
consideration - 13 nouns which are synonyms of consideration (sentence examples)
Consider : Definition, Pronunciation, Examples, Synonyms
consider - 7 verbs which are synonyms to consider (sentence examples)
What is the meaning of the word CONSIDERATION?
Synonyms in English Thought, thinking, brainwork, cogitation, consideration, deliberation, musing
Synonyms of Consideration /School subjects basics
SYNONYMS to thinking but BETTER - ADVANCED vocabulary (with definitions, examples and synonyms)
Consideration - Meaning | Pronunciation || Word Wor(l)d - Audio Video Dictionary
Synonym - Daily Vocabulary - For Positive Attitude , positive thinking, optimism, good attitude
English Word of the Day - CONSIDER / CONSIDERABLE / CONSIDERATE (IELTS / TOEFL Vocabulary)
Synonyms for "Thinking Deeply' | 27th May | Sakshi Pahwa
what is the meaning of the word “consider”? | #learnenglishvocabulary #commonenglishwords
Is there a word meaning 'to think about thinking'? (3 Solutions!!)
Why Someone Is Always on Your Mind, It Means...| C.S. Lewis Sermons
What Should You be Thinking 1 - Student of the Word 1469
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Synonyms in English Respect, regard, admiration, consideration, deference, esteem, estimation, honor
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Consideration meaning in hindi | Consideration ka matlab kya hota hai | Word meaning