Coin Operated - Animated Short Film
CGI Animated Short Film: "Watermelon A Cautionary Tale" by Kefei Li & Connie Qin He | CGMeetup
Snack Attack
**Award Winning** CGI 3D Animated Short Film "Hey Deer!" by Ors Barczy | CGMeetup
CGI Animated Short Film: "Ice Pepper" by ESMA | CGMeetup
The Present - CGI Awarded short film (2014)
"Mouse For Sale" by Wouter Bongaerts | Disney Favorite
**Award Winning** CGI 3D Animated Short Film: "Dustin" - by The Dustin Team | TheCGBros
Cute CGI 3D Animated Short Film ** DUST BUDDIES **- Funny Animation by Ringling College
CGI Animated Short Film: "The Box" / La Boîte by ESMA | CGMeetup
CGI **Award Winning** 3D Animated Short: "A Fox And A Mouse" - by ESMA | TheCGBros
CGI Animated Short Film: "Decaf Animated Short Film" by The Animation School | CGMeetup
The Bread - Animated Short Film by GULU
**Award Winning** CGI Animated Short Film: "Cat and Moth" by India Barnardo | @CGMeetup
CGI Animated Short Film: "Mind Games" by Jiaqi Emily Yan | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animation Short Film HD "Tea Time" by ESMA | CGMeetup
CGI Animated Short Film HD "The Small Shoemaker " by La Petite Cordonnier Team | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short: "Take Me Home" - by Nair Archawattana | TheCGBros
Disney-Pixar "PIPER" - Cute Motivational short movie.