Feminine or Masculine words in French? Understanding French genders!
Practise your French Prepositions Part 1 -"à, en, au, aux, chez"
When do you pronounce the end of the word in French? LES LIAISONS the key to speaking French!
FRENCH WORDS ending in "AL" & their plural form | MOTS se TERMINANT par "AL" & leurs pluriels
20 French Endings and Topics That Are Always Masculine
The French words ending in EUIL. And how to use and pronounce them correctly.
French Nouns Ending in -ÉE Are Feminine BUT!
Learn Haitian Creole Like a Pro in 2025 with These Tips
Masculine Words in French
French Plural of Nouns - How To Make A Noun Plural in French // French Grammar Course // Lesson 4 🇫🇷
Vowel Sounds in French (Learn French With Alexa)
French plural ending in X | Plural of nouns and adjectives
🤯Unbelievable Similarity of French and English Words #frenchlanguage #french #learnfrench
French Lesson 10 - Masculin ou Féminin ? (A1 level - French Grammar n°4)
Feminine Words in French
Did You Know That French Nouns Ending with -ADE Are Feminine?
French Words Ending in "-ard"
Should I pronounce the consonant L at the end of french words or is it a silent consonant ? #french
Identify Feminine and Masculine in French PART 2 - (The ending rule explained)
Can you pronounce these French words ? 🇫🇷 😳🤯