誰が気候変動の責任者ですか? –誰が修正する必要がありますか?
Expert: Countries with lower GDP per capita more vulnerable to extreme climate changes | Market Edge
The paradox of per capita CO2 emissions: Larry Geri at TEDxTheEvergreenStateCollege
How does Australia's CO2 emissions per capita compare to the rest of the world? | SBS News
What does climate change mean for future cities?
Which countries have emitted the most CO2?
The Economic Impacts of Weather Shocks & Climate Change: How Can Countries Cope?
Climate change has worsened global economic inequality
How Australia's response to climate change looks abroad | SBS News
Should the developed world pay for climate change? | Inside Story
10 Countries that are vulnerable to Climate Change
Can we avoid the worst of climate change?
This is just how unfair climate change is
Who should pay to fix the climate emergency?
Most countries' climate targets 'totally insufficient' — study
Question Period – November 6, 2024
Climate change, capitalism, and what's next: Matthew Schneider-Mayerson at TEDxUMN
Real Reason Why WARMER Countries are POORER
Dutch Cities are Better for the Environment (and my sanity)
Climate Change Aspirations and the Viability of Small Developing Countries