a short notes on style of novel
Five Tips for Writing Your First Novel—Brandon Sanderson
How to create DEPTH in your writing (easy method to make your novels and stories more immersive!)
How To Write A GOOD Book Summary
How to write descriptively - Nalo Hopkinson
The secret formula to Agatha Christie's murder mysteries - Jamie Bernthal
What is Theme
The Simple Summary
Writing Your First Chapter - Let's Write Books
How to Write a Summary
How to Write the Perfect Book Review
How to Write a Book: 13 Steps From a Bestselling Author
Writing Your Life Story: Get Started with this Exercise
Stephen King on Writing: Don't Use A Notebook
How to Summarize (with examples)
First person vs. Second person vs. Third person - Rebekah Bergman
How to Write an Essay: 4 Minute Step-by-step Guide | Scribbr 🎓
Improve your Writing: Show, Not Tell
Writing a reflection