Strategies for Teaching Gifted Students
Teaching Gifted Students
Online Learning Extensions for Gifted Students Presentation
Practical Strategies for Advanced Learners
RESCON 2019: Providing Authentic and Meaningful Extension for Gifted & Talented Students
Powerful Strategies to Enhance Learning of Gifted and Highly Able Students (3/7/18)
Scaffolding for Gifted Learners
Using Gifted and Talented Methodologies to Enhance ESOL Instruction, Erin Vanacore
Extension Activities!
SAA SNAPSHOT: Enriching and Extending Reading for Your Gifted Child
Teacher Education Pathways: Gifted Children
iTools of Rigor and Creativity: Supporting the Gifted Learner (2/17/2015)
Enrichment: Reinventing and Retiring Giftedness-Morgan Whitfield Carny
Using Project Based Learning in Gifted Education
Differentiating Instruction: It’s Not as Hard as You Think
Gifted Students Strategies Presentation
Assessment 1 GIFTED 2
CCPS Kindergarten Gifted Extensions
Connecting Thinking and Language with Gifted Students: Elevating the Rigor (2/10/2015)
Teaching Writing to the Twice-Exceptional (2e) Child