Excel: Year-over-Year (YOY) analysis w/ a PivotTable
Excel - Year over Year Pivot Table with Percentage Growth - Episode 2152
Excel Year on Year Charts - 5 Ways!
Excel Year-Over-Year and Period-Over-Period Analysis with PivotTables
Excel Pivot Table: How to show Year over Year comparison
Excel Magic Trick 1559: PivotTable: Year Totals, YOY Change, % YOY Change from Daily Sales
How to Calculate Percent Change in Excel
Year over Year Analysis (YoY)
Year 9 NAPLAN - mini test 4 - Excel at School
How to Use YEAR Function in Excel
Creative way to show year over year data
Change only the year component of a date in Microsoft Excel
Calculate Percentage in Excel the Right Way | Percentage Difference Formula
Year over Year % (YoY) Change with Pivot Tables, DAX and Cube Formulas
Calculate year over year growth rates and ratios using Pivot Table
PivotTable Month on Month % Change + Controversial view on % change from zero!
How to Calculate Sales Growth in Excel
Excel Fiscal Year in a PivotTable | Fiscal Year different from Calendar Year in Excel
Calculate % increase or percent growth in Excel | Sale Growth percent in Excel | Percent increase
Microsoft Excel Adding Years, Months, and Days to Date