♧ We cannot but obey our parents. [Change into Affirmative sentence]
We should always obey our parents. (change into negative)\n | CLASS 12 | WEB QUESTIONS | ENGLISH...
Obey your elders. [Change "obey" as Adjective]
Change the Voice: Imperative and Wh-family Sentences
Change of Voice | Active and Passive | He writes a letter | Calligraphy Handwriting | Grammar
We Should Obey Our Parents 😊
Active Passive || Imperative Sentences || #learnenglish #vocabulary #grammar
10 Lines On Respect Elders ll 10 Lines Essay On Respect Elders In English ll
obey your parents ! اپنے والدین کی اطاعت کرو #mom #youtube #advise
Change the Voice Part 3 All Perfect Tenses
Change the Voice-04 (Imperative Sentences)
Consequences of Over Protected Children- Jordan Peterson
Obey your parents | disobedience to the parents | honey bee | Moral Story 4 | Guide Story Officially
Jordan Peterson - Becoming Independent From Your Parents
Active and Passive voice for Imperative Sentences🤗 : Suggestion or Advice📚With Examples
Unique rules of Passive Voice
Have you ever wondered what your period color means? 🩸
Present simple active and passive voice | English grammar | Sunshine English
VERBS || 50 examples of present tense, past tense and past participle || #SHORTS #OGAANSOM
Voice Change- Imperative Sentence