在熊本與熊本熊近距離接觸 之後去吃馬刺身【九州自由行day7】

2020/02/06 に公開
視聴回数 724

✔全程iphone 7拍攝(僅手持)


★heading to kumamoto by shinkansen in the morning. once arrived at kumamoto station, there was a gigantic kumamon welcoming us. went to visit kumamoto castle first. many places were still under repair due to the earthquake. then made a brief stop at fujisaki hachimangu. next came to kumamon square to see if kumamon was there. luckily he was there and was having fun with people around him. i then took a walk around one of the commercial district. went into a cat cafe. got myself a soda drink. i was surrounded by countless cats. i was somehow mentally healed by these cats. had my lunch at a horse meat house. i tried five different horse sashimi. then visited souvenir stores inside kumamoto station in the afternoon. went back to fukuoka by shinkansen. had a bowl of ramen near my hostel. simple but quite tasty.

✔travelling alone in kyushu and hiroshima for 8 days and 7 nights
✔Day1-arriving fukuoka, Day2-fukuoka, Day3-hiroshima, Day4-kitakyushu, Day5-nagasaki, Day6-oita, Day7-kumamoto, Day8-going back to taiwan
✔transportation:my both legs, bus, train, taxi, cable car
✔ticket&pass:sugoca card, northern kyushu area pass(3 days), hiroshima-yamaguchi area pass, subway ticket
✔excluding the cost of both passes, air ticket, and sim card, for 8 days and 7 nights, it costed me around 660 us dollars(including hostel cost)
✔northern kyushu area pass:2237 taiwanese dollar(eztravel), hiroshima-yamaguchi area pass:2970 taiwanese dollar(eztravel), air ticket:12670 taiwanese dollar(skyscanner), sim card:698 taiwanese dollar(taiwan mobile)
✔all videos shot on iphone 7(hand held only)
✔northern kyushu area pass:for taking jr train, limited express(kamome, yufuin no mori, and yufu), and shinkansen(round trip between hakata and kumamoto) on day5(nagasaki), day6(oita), and day7(kumamoto)
✔hiroshima-yamaguchi area pass:for taking jr train, jr miyajima ferry, and shinkansen(round trip between hakata and hiroshima) on day3(hiroshima)

first day(arriving fukuoka) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGFCWBoZLFI
second day(fukuoka) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkGI6-o2tog
third day(hiroshima) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQCCTaABE4s
forth day(kitakyushu) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae9G1sTaewM
fifth day(nagasaki) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKv3flMjikU
sixth day(oita) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmOfOB_3Ck8
eighth day(going back to taiwan) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6swBNrS63Fc

#九州自由行 #廣島自由行 #日本自由行

0:00 開場
0:09 前往熊本
0:30 抵達熊本
1:05 熊本城
2:30 藤崎八旛宮
4:05 熊本熊廣場
5:07 貓咖啡
7:22 馬刺身
8:07 熊本站
8:27 回福岡
8:36 拉麵