福岡吃內臟燒烤 超可愛刺蝟與水獺體驗館【九州自由行day2】

2020/02/06 に公開
視聴回数 1,197

✔全程iphone 7拍攝(僅手持)


★light rain continued on the second day. arriving dazaifu tenmangu in the morning. few people were there. bought a umegae mochi for breakfast. then visited hakozaki shrine, tochoji, kushida shrine, and sumiyoshi shrine. had my lunch at hakata station. discovered chun shui tang. wanna see what's different comparing to taiwan's. there were some japan-only dishes. visited fukuoka tower and fukuoka city museum. saw king of na gold seal which emperor guangwu of han gave to japan. the seal was much smaller than i expected. went to a pet house near akasaka station. having fun with some otters and hedgehogs. for dinner, i went to a horumonyaki house. first time alone in a bbq house. ordered a glass of beer. had a great time.

✔travelling alone in kyushu and hiroshima for 8 days and 7 nights
✔Day1-arriving fukuoka, Day2-fukuoka, Day3-hiroshima, Day4-kitakyushu, Day5-nagasaki, Day6-oita, Day7-kumamoto, Day8-going back to taiwan
✔transportation:my both legs, bus, train, taxi, cable car
✔ticket&pass:sugoca card, northern kyushu area pass(3 days), hiroshima-yamaguchi area pass, subway ticket
✔excluding the cost of both passes, air ticket, and sim card, for 8 days and 7 nights, it costed me around 660 us dollars(including hostel cost)
✔northern kyushu area pass:2237 taiwanese dollar(eztravel), hiroshima-yamaguchi area pass:2970 taiwanese dollar(eztravel), air ticket:12670 taiwanese dollar(skyscanner), sim card:698 taiwanese dollar(taiwan mobile)
✔all videos shot on iphone 7(hand held only)
✔northern kyushu area pass:for taking jr train, limited express(kamome, yufuin no mori, and yufu), and shinkansen(round trip between hakata and kumamoto) on day5(nagasaki), day6(oita), and day7(kumamoto)
✔hiroshima-yamaguchi area pass:for taking jr train, jr miyajima ferry, and shinkansen(round trip between hakata and hiroshima) on day3(hiroshima)

first day(arriving fukuoka) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGFCWBoZLFI
third day(hiroshima) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQCCTaABE4s
forth day(kitakyushu) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae9G1sTaewM
fifth day(nagasaki) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKv3flMjikU
sixth day(oita) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmOfOB_3Ck8
seventh day(kumamoto) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KdAwY_Ha5w
eighth day(going back to taiwan) video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6swBNrS63Fc

#九州自由行 #廣島自由行 #日本自由行

0:00 開場
0:09 前往太宰府天滿宮
0:38 抵達太宰府天滿宮
2:18 梅枝餅
2:40 筥崎宮
3:40 東長寺
4:23 櫛田神社
5:31 住吉神社
6:23 博多站
7:26 春水堂
7:56 福岡塔
8:53 福岡市博物館
9:16 漢委奴國王印
9:42 水獺體驗館
11:59 內臟燒烤