Hair Transplant Scar | Natural Transplants vs. Competitors Bad Hair Transplant

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Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic
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See the difference between Natural Transplants minimal hair transplant scar and the competitors bad hair transplant scar. The competitors bad hair transplant scar is fully healed whereas the Natural Transplants hair transplant scar is only 14 days post-procedure and will continue to fade & heal.

At a half-an-inch hair length our physicians guarantee nobody will see a hair transplant scar. The only instance where someone would be able to detect a hair transplant scar is if your head is shaved. Beware of competitors and Bad Hair Transplant scar.

It is not uncommon in markets like Florida or Washington DC for a doctor to perform 10 hair transplant surgeries in a single day, sometimes concurrently, effectively limiting the time available for an individual hair loss patients which can result in a bad hair transplant or a hair transplant scar. At Natural Transplants our team will give you 100% focus and attention during your procedure in order to spend the time necessary to understand the patient’s goals, put the patient at ease and yield an incredible result, with close attention payed each and every step along the way. At Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic we use a core team of doctors that only focus on hair transplants whereas big corporations change doctors frequently and utilize doctors that don't necessarily focus on hair transplants.

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Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic
Toll Free 844-327-4247
Local +1 954-372-8824

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