[Rain Sound] Pomodoro Technique 25min x 4Set - Nature sounds & Pomodoro Technique [Study/Work Music]

2021/01/23 に公開
視聴回数 197,957
[Concentration is always sustained! It is a secret weapon. Music / BGM (ASMR) that enhances concentration. ]
With the Pomodoro concentration method, you can concentrate for 25 minutes and take a break for 5 minutes in a planned manner to take an effective break that keeps you "concentrated". BGM creates a "concentrated state" that is the optimum balance of relaxation and tension with environmental sounds and natural sounds.
Time stamp by set
00:00:00 4 sets [2 hours]
00:30:00 3 sets [1 hour 30 minutes]
01:00:00 2 sets [1 hour]
01:30:00 1 set [30 minutes]