Best of the Worst: Hawk Jones, Winterbeast, and ROAR
Half in the Bag Episode 143: Demon House
Half in the Bag Episode 104: The 2016 Oscars
Best of the Worst: Suburban Sasquatch
Best of the Worst: Black Spine Edition #3
Best of the Worst: The Instructor, Through Doohan's Eye, and Twisted Pair
Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #16
Freddy Got Fingered - re:View
Best of the Worst: Night of the Lepus, Zombie 3, and Silk
SuperMegaCast - EP 298: Rango (ft. MeatCanyon)
Best of the Worst: Plinketto #5
Boomer Fight! Shatner VS RLM Explained!