Dark Matter: Crash Course Astronomy #41
"Cosmological Stasis" Could Explain Dark Matter: Does that make sense?
Where Did Dark Matter And Dark Energy Come From?
Do We Need a NEW Dark Matter Model?
Mysteries Of The Universe and Cold Dark Matter | Professor Carlos Frenk | Talks at Google
Why Cold Dark Matter?
What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?
Did Astronomers Just Prove Dark Energy is an Illusion?
APS Global Physics Summit 2025 - Public Lecture: The Mystery of Dark Matter in the Universe
Plot Twist: There’s No Dark Matter. Our Theory of Gravity is Broken
Dark Matter Explained: What Exactly is Dark Matter? | A Beginner’s Guide to Dark Matter
Dark Energy Is Not Real, New Data Analysis Finds
The dark matter myth | Pavel Kroupa full interview
Cosmology Beyond Cold Dark Matter - Dr. Sownak Bose
Myth and truth about halo formation in cold-dark-matter models
Hubble Spotted New Evidence That Dark Matter Is "Cold"
Lambda-CDM Model: Unveiling the Universe's Secrets!
Astronomers Shocked! JWST Discovers Galaxies Challenging Dark Matter Theory
Learning Physics_Hot & Cold Dark Matter & WIMPs
Does Axionic Dark Matter Bind Galaxies Together?