Do We Need a NEW Dark Matter Model?
Plot Twist: There’s No Dark Matter. Our Theory of Gravity is Broken
Lambda-CDM Model: Unveiling the Universe's Secrets!
Dark Energy Is Not Real, New Data Analysis Finds
Did Astronomers Just Prove Dark Energy is an Illusion?
Beyond LambdaCDM I - Ely Kovetz
Why Cold Dark Matter?
Rocky Kolb: Is the Standard Model of Cosmology Broken, Breaking, or Healthy?
A Major Flaw Has Appeared in our Basic Model of the Universe. It's Big.
Astronomers Shocked! JWST Discovers Galaxies Challenging Dark Matter Theory
Astronomy Debate: Dark Matter or Modified Gravity?
Matthias Bartelmann (Univ. of Heidelberg): Lambda CDM and Early Universe Cosmology - Lecture 4
Matthias Bartelmann (Univ. of Heidelberg): Lambda CDM and Early Universe Cosmology - Lecture 1
Lambda CDM Model Explained: How Dark Energy and Dark Matter Shape the Cosmos
Tonatiuh Matos: Problems and Alternatives to Lambda Cold Dark Matter
Will Lambda-CDM Cosmology be replaced with Tired Light and Changing Constants?
In the beginning Genesis 1 & Lambda Cold Dark Matter Cosmology
Craig, Krauss, and Lambda Cold Dark Matter Model
Study Suggests Dark Energy Doesn't Exist And Time Dilation Is Everywhere